Next 5 Available bookings. See Calendar For Future Dates.

  • 28th April 2025 @ 9:00 am
  • 3 Spaces
  • £140.00 Per person

This course covers all the important aspects of basic first aid and applies it to active sports and more remote situations. While some of the course is delivered indoors, we take every opportunity to use the climbing areas for scenarios and head outside on the second day to spend time in an outdoor environment covering further aspects and more scenarios.

Please dress appropriately for being outside all day in any weather, and for laying on wet ground, ie waterproof trousers, jacket, hat, gloves, etc.

The REC 2 day First Aid Course is suitable for validating outdoor NGB qualifications: MLS, CWA, RCI SPA, BCU, RYA, BASI, MBL, etc.

During the course the following aspects will be covered:

Emergency: vital signs, emergency action, airway, unconscious, choking, bleeding, breathing and circulation, CPR.

Injury: head, spine, chest, abdomen, pelvis, bones, soft tissue, eye.

Rescue: transportation, communication.

Environment: heat stress, cold stress, hot injuries, cold injuries.

Illness: chest pain, stroke, asthma, epilepsy, diabetes, poisoning

First Aid Kit Contents

This 2 day course will be based at GCC :

We will spend time in a classroom situation and use the grounds of the centre for scenario work, possibly travelling further afield. Please dress appropriately for being outside all day in any weather, and for laying on wet ground, ie Water proof trousers, jacket, hat, gloves etc.


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View Full Session Availability

No courses available on 12th March 2025. Please choose another date.

Please call 0141 427 9550 for late availability.
