To register it costs £10 for life, or £2 for the day. For a day registration you will need to complete the paper- work and competency checks on each visit. There are no registration costs for students.

No, you can climb independently without pre booking, providing you can pass the competency checks for the type of climbing you are doing.

A junior can register from 14 years old for rope climbing or bouldering only. Parental consent is required for independent climbers under 16 and climbers under 18 cannot sign in any guests under their supervision.

Yes, providing you are 16 years old or older and can demonstrate pung on a harness and correct use of an autobelay.

Registered climbers aged 18+ can supervise a maximum of 2 climbers of any age per day. It is not possible to sign in more than 2 per day even if only 2 climb at once.

Yes, shoes, harness and belay device are available to hire. We do not hire out lead climbing ropes or chalk bags

To be signed off as an independent rope climber you must demonstrate competency in:

    • puting on a climbing harness
    • tying in with an appropriate climbing knot (figure of 8 with stopper knot is preferred)
    • belay a climber on a top rope climb
    • Successfully catch a fall and lower a climber back down under control
    • Demonstrate safe use of an autobelay
    • Answer the quesonnaire on risks involved with bouldering
